This document contains important information specific to the Microsoft Close Combat Trial Version.
The Retail Version contains the complete list of features not found in the Trial Version:
• The online Help brings detailed weapon specifications at your fingertips.
• You can play the whole Normandy Campaign game – from Off the Beach to Saint-Lo.
• Take your pick from 39 Maneuvers and play them individually.
• Won a major victory? Save that battle as a Replay and show it off to your friends.
• Watch real footage videos and see what really happened in the battle you just fought.
• More sound effects, weapons, tanks… you name it.
License Agreement
By copying or using this Close Combat Trial Version, you indicate your agreement to the terms of this license agreement. If you do not agree to the terms herein, you are not authorized to copy or use the Trial Version.
The Close Combat Trial Version, including any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, and text incorporated in the Trial Version, is owned by Microsoft or its suppliers and is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Except to the extent expressly licensed herein, all rights are reserved to Microsoft and its suppliers. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Trial Version.
Limited Warranty and Limitation of Remedies:
NO WARRANTIES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Microsoft expressly disclaims any warranty for the Close Combat Trial Version. The Trial Version and any related documentation is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the Trial Version remains with you.
Microsoft's entire liability and your exclusive remedy, at Microsoft's option, shall be the cost of the Trial Version or its replacement with another copy of the Trial Version. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Microsoft or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profit, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use this Microsoft product, even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
A. Trial Version System Requirements
B. Memory Issues
C. Video Issues
D. Sound Issues
E. General
F. Game Play
G. Head-to-Head Play
• Macintosh with PowerPC processor
• 12 MB RAM (16 MB recommended)
• Apple System 7.5 or higher
• 15 MB of free hard disk space
• 2X CD-ROM drive
• 13-inch monitor with 640x480 resolution (15-inch or higher resolution recommended)
• 9600-baud modem and MacTCP 2.0.6 or Open Transport 1.1 (for dial-up head-to-head play)
• Headphones or speakers recommended
Microsoft Close Combat should run on any Power Macintosh with 12 MB of RAM. However, if your system software takes up more than 4 MB you may need to adjust your memory configuration. Some suggestions follow:
• Run only one application at a time. If other applications are running, close them and then relaunch Close Combat.
• Reduce the amount of memory being used by your system software. To do this, return to the Finder and select About This Macintosh from the Apple menu. The Largest Unused Block needs to be larger than 8,000K to run Close Combat if Virtual Memory is off, or larger than 7,000K if Virtual Memory is on. If the only item listed in the About This Macintosh dialog box is System Software and the Largest Unused Block is smaller than these values, you must reduce the amount of memory used by your system software. You can refer to Macintosh documentation for details on how to do this, but some general suggestions follow:
1. Open the Memory control panel and check the Disk Cache setting. To maximize the memory available to Close Combat, set the cache to 32K.
2. Fonts and sounds consume system memory. Removing those you are not using makes more memory available.
3. Third-party system extensions such as screen savers, fax software, desktop pictures, menu-modifying utilities, and other system enhancements increase the amount of memory your system software uses. Removing some or all of these extensions increases the amount of memory available to applications. Be sure that you save anything you remove from your System Folder and place it in a separate folder on your disk so that you can replace it later. You can use Apple's Extension Manager to do this.
• Turn on Modern Memory Manager. Having Modern Memory Manager turned on lets your Macintosh access memory much more efficiently. To turn on Modern Memory Manager, open the Memory control panel, switch the Modern Memory Manager radio button to On, and then restart your computer.
• Turn on Virtual Memory. Virtual Memory lets you increase the amount of available memory by using space on your hard disk to simulate RAM. Doing this allocates more memory to applications like Close Combat on launch. To turn on Virtual Memory, open the Memory control panel, switch the Virtual Memory radio button to On, and then restart your computer. You may also want to investigate third-party virtual memory utilities.
Close Combat should load under any color setting. However, Close Combat will automatically set the color setting to 256 colors while it is running. After quitting the program, your previous settings should be restored.
Do not change the color settings once Close Combat is running. Since Close Combat requires a 256-color setting, changing this setting while the program is running will cause it to quit.
Try the following suggestions if Close Combat does not play sounds properly:
• Open the Sound Control panel and make sure that the volume is not muted, and is turned up.
• Version 1.5.1 of Connectix RAM Doubler has a known bug that prevents audio and video clips from playing properly on Power Macintosh models. For upgrade information, contact Connectix Corporation.
• Close Combat is not designed to support balloon help. Turn off balloon help before you start Close Combat; you may not be able to turn it off once you have started the game. If you leave balloon help on while playing Close Combat, the game overwrites the portion of the balloon that extends into the game screen.
• You only need a network card if your Macintosh is equipped with the older type AppleTalk port and you want to play over an Ethernet network.
• When you select any antitank, machine gun, or mortar team, all soldiers on the team are listed in the Function In Team field as "Assistant." The soldier with the weapon graphic in his Weapon Icon field is the soldier responsible for firing the weapon. If that soldier is killed, another soldier on the team can continue to fire the weapon.
• When you select any antitank team, the Ammo Type field displays "HT" for the soldier who fires the antitank weapon. HT is an abbreviation for HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank).
• If a soldier's shadow appears in your line of sight, it remains a shadow for no more than ten seconds; Close Combat updates every ten seconds, at which time soldiers' shadows become soldiers. If you shoot at and hit a soldier's shadow, the soldier dies, and his fallen body appears as soon as Close Combat updates the screen.
This section provides how-to-play procedures for Close Combat.
Close Combat Game Types
You can play two types of games with the Trial Version of Close Combat: Boot Camp and Maneuvers.
Boot Camp
Close Combat’s Boot Camp includes scenarios you can use to learn and practice the skills you need to play, and win at, Close Combat.
Maneuvers are single battles that represent actions from the Normandy Campaign.
Playing Close Combat—An Overview
• Double-click the Microsoft Close Combat Trial folder, then double-click the Close Combat Trial icon.
• If you want to skip the opening graphics and move directly to the Command screen, press any key.
On the Command screen, click to select the game options you want:
1. Click Boot Camp (training exercises) or Maneuvers (to fight single battles).
Choosing any of these options displays a scrollable list from which you can choose the training scenario or battle you want to play.
Maneuvers is the default setting.
2. Select the training exercise or battle you want.
3. Select the side you want to fight on (American or German).
American is the default setting.
4. Select one-player or two-player game.
When you start Close Combat, the default setting is one-player—you choose the side you want to play, and your computer plays the enemy side. Click the two-player button to connect by way of a modem or network with another player.
5. Select the level of difficulty you want for the upcoming game: Easy, Normal, Hard, or Custom.
The default setting is Normal.
6. Click Begin to load the game. The game starts in Deploy mode.
7. Examine the game map, drag your teams to the positions you want, then click Begin again to start game play.
Once you begin play, you issue commands (Move, Move Fast, Fire, Smoke, Defend, or Hide) until you win or lose.
When the game is over, Close Combat tells you who won, then the Debriefing screen appears, summarizing the results of the battle. From this screen you can choose to view the Debriefing Details screen or return to the Command screen.
G. Head-To-Head Play
To play a two-player game in Close Combat you must have either MacTCP 2.0.6 or Open Transport 1.1 installed. Using Open Transport 1.1 is the recommended method for connecting to the Internet. However, Open Transport 1.1 is not available for all Macintosh models; refer to the "Troubleshooting Open Transport 1.1" section for more information. Without Open Transport 1.1, you need to use MacTCP 2.0.6 instead. If your Macintosh supports the Open Transport software and you are using System 7.5, 7.5.1, or 7.5.2, you can obtain a System 7.5.3 upgrade from Apple Corporation. This upgrade will install Open Transport 1.1.
Note: You may experience problems playing Close Combat using any version of Open Transport earlier than version 1.1. The problem exists on most PCI Power Macintosh computers running System 7.5.2. It is recommended that you upgrade to Open Transport 1.1 or later. Open Transport 1.1 can be installed from the System 7.5.3 upgrade.
You need to know your or your opponent's IP address when playing in two-player mode. To find out what your IP address is, see the section later in this document that pertains to your networking software.
Open Transport 1.1
Make sure that Open Transport 1.1 is installed. To do this, choose Control Panels from the Apple menu and search for TCP/IP. If it is not there, then Open Transport is not installed. Open Transport is only available in System 7.5.2 or higher. To install Open Transport 1.1:
1. Insert your System 7.5 installation CD or floppy disk 1 and launch the System 7.5 installer.
2. Click Continue at the initial screen.
3. Choose Custom Install.
4. Click the Networking Software tab, then check Open Transport 1.1.
5. Click Install to complete the installation.
Contact your Internet Service Provider for complete instructions on how to install the appropriate PPP or SLIP software in order to use your modem to connect to the Internet. See the "Troubleshooting Open Transport 1.1" section for a list of compatible PPP or SLIP software.
Confirming your IP address
When you start Close Combat and click the two-player button, a screen will appear that displays your IP Address. This is your current IP address that your opponent can use to establish a connection with you.
If an IP address is not being displayed, then you do not have access to the Internet and will not be able to play Close Combat in two-player mode. Use the following procedure to make sure that your Macintosh has access to the Internet:
1. From the Apple menu, choose Controls Panels and then TCP/IP.
2. In the Connect Via pop-up menu, choose your connection type.
3. In the Setup portion of the window, enter the appropriate information for your network. This can be obtained from your Internet Service Provider or your Network Administrator.
4. From the Edit menu, choose User Mode.
5. Select Advanced and press OK.
6. Click the Options button.
7. Make sure TCP/IP is active. If you are directly connected to the network, clear the Load Only When Needed check box. If you are connecting to the Internet by way of a service provider, select the Load Only When Needed check box. This will load TCP/IP when you connect to your service provider in step 9.
8. Close the TCP/IP control panel, saving any changes, and then restart your Macintosh.
9. If necessary, connect to your Internet Service Provider.
10. From the Apple menu, choose Controls Panels and then TCP/IP. The TCP/IP window should now display your IP address.
11. Communicate your IP address to your opponent.
Note: Because IP addresses often change each time you connect to the Internet, you need to stay connected to the Internet if you want to give your IP address to someone else. In most cases you cannot disconnect, call someone with your IP address, and then reconnect.
12. Start the Close Combat program. Click the two-player button. Your IP address should now be displayed.
Troubleshooting Open Transport 1.1
Non-PCI based Macintoshes
With early Power Macintosh computers, Open Transport may be installed but will not be activated. This will prevent the Control Panels from displaying the TCP/IP control panel. To activate Open Transport:
1. Open the Apple Extras folder on the hard drive.
2. Double-click the Network Software Selector icon.
3. In the Network Software Selector window, verify that the Use Open Transport Networking check box is selected. If it is not, select it.
4. Close the window and restart your Macintosh.
TCP/IP should now be located in the Control Panels folder.
Note: The Apple Extras is the default location for the Network Software Selector program. If you do not have this folder directly on your hard drive, it may have been moved. Try looking elsewhere for the Network Software Selector program; if you still cannot find it, you may need to reinstall the Open Transport software.
System 7.5.2
Open Transport 1.0 is included in System 7.5.2. If you have System 7.5.2 and are upgrading to System 7.5.3, Open Transport will be upgraded to version 1.1 as well. To obtain the System 7.5.3 upgrade, contact Apple Corporation.
Power Macintosh Compatibility
As of this writing, Open Transport 1.1 cannot be active on the desktop 5200, 5300, 6200, and the 6300 series computers. You must use MacTCP 2.0.6 to play Close Combat in two-player mode.
Connection type missing
If your connection type is missing in the Connect Via pop-up menu, make sure that the software necessary to connect to your Internet Service Provider is properly installed, and then restart your Macintosh.
Open Transport compatibility with MacTCP mdevs
Open Transport 1.1 is compatible with the following MacTCP mdevs:
FreePPP - version 1.0.4 or later
MacPPP - version 2.1.4 SD or later (version 2.2.0 is not recommended).
InterPPP - version 1.2.9 or later
nterPPP II - version 1.1 or later
InterSLIP - version 1.0.1 or later
MacSLIP - version 3.0.2 or later
VersaTerm SLIP - version 1.1.4 or later
Sonic PPP - version 1.0.2 or later
AOL Link - the most current version is recommended
For further help on installing the MacTCP mdevs, consult the instructions provided by your Internet Service Provider.
MacTCP 2.0.6
Make sure that MacTCP 2.0.6 is installed. To do this, choose Control Panels from the Apple menu, and search for MacTCP. If it is not there, then MacTCP has not been installed. To install MacTCP:
1. Insert your System 7.5 installation CD or floppy disk 1 and launch the System 7.5 installer.
2. Press Continue at the initial screen.
3. Choose Custom Install.
4. Click the Networking Software tab (or Control Panels if this is System 7.5 Update 1), then select MacTCP.
5. Click Install to complete the installation.
Contact your Internet Service Provider for complete instructions on how to install the appropriate PPP or SLIP software in order to use your modem to connect to the Internet. MacTCP is compatible with many PPP or SLIP software, including FreePPP and MacPPP.
Confirming your IP address
When you start Close Combat and click the two-player button, a screen appears that displays your IP address. This is your current IP address that your opponent can use to establish a connection with you.
If an IP address is not being displayed, then you do not have access to the Internet and will not be able to play Close Combat in two-player mode. Use the following procedure to make sure that your Macintosh has access to the Internet.
1. From the Apple menu, choose Control Panels and then MacTCP.
2. Choose your connection type by clicking on the appropriate icon in the top portion of the window.
3. Click the MoreÉ button.
4. In the window that appears, enter the appropriate information for your network. This can be obtained from your Internet Service Provider or your Network Administrator.
5. Click the OK button.
6. Close the MacTCP window and then restart your Macintosh.
7. If necessary, connect to your Internet Service Provider.
8. From the Apple menu, choose Control Panels and then MacTCP. The MacTCP window should now display your IP address.
9. Communicate your IP address to your opponent.
Note: Because IP addresses often change each time you connect to the Internet, you need to stay connected to the Internet if you want to give your IP address to someone else. In most cases you cannot disconnect, call someone with your IP address, and then reconnect.
10. Start the Close Combat program, and click the two-player button. Your IP address should now be displayed.
Troubleshooting MacTCP 2.0.6
Connection type missing
If your connection type is not being displayed as one of the icons, make sure that the software necessary to connect to your Internet Service Provider is properly installed, and then restart your Macintosh.